Andy Barrie | Honorary Chair

Andy Barrie is a 25-year veteran of radio and broadcasting and a Canadian legend in his own right. In 2007, Andy learned that he had Parkinson's disease, and a year later, thanks to Dancing with Parkinson's, he learned how to do the tango.

"When I'm dancing I'm completely unaware of the limitations of Parkinson's." – Andy

It was through the immediate and very close bond between Andy and DWP’s founder, Sarah Robichaud, that Dancing with Parkinson’s was born. Both the muse and the inspiration, Andy inspired Sarah to certify in the Dance for PD Method, and the rest, as they say, was history. 

"Parkinson's is not a pleasure trip," says Andy. "So it's nice to be involved in something as a result of the disease that is fun."

Read this powerful article sharing Andy's beginnings with DWP.